Case Study - The Sizanani Bentham Trust

The Sizanani Bentham Trust

The Sizanani Bentham Trust provides long-term medical, psychological, and social support for those who have had an adverse outcome following medical treatment or a surgical procedure, with a special focus on those who develop long term neurological complications like cerebral palsy. The Trust also ensures that these individuals are not deprived of medical care due to financial problems, by obtaining authorization for procedures with medical aids and providing financial assistance where necessary.

Our job was to build a “bridge” between the Trust and those that require these essential services, by means of a unified communications platform that aggregates both real-time, and asynchronous communication into a single interface, providing a timely and more convenient way of managing appointments and follow-ups.

The result was a huge reduction in the rate of no-shows, decreased waiting times, and improved overall patient satisfaction. By collaborating with health providers and patients, we hope to further develop the platform into an Electronic Medical Health Record System that will help provide better, and affordable health care.

  • Client:
    The Sizanani Bentham Trust
  • Solution:
    Web-based appointment scheduling system
  • Metrics:
    Waiting-time reduced by 62%
    Patient no-shows reduced by 38%
  • Delivered:
    11 March, 2019
  • Link:
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